Deborah Dennison - Taking wings

My Resources, Reading & Research

I call this the ‘3 R’s! I am still to this day updating my knowledge and checking out websites to stay current. It has become my passion and my mission in life.

Webinars & Online Courses

I listened to many (many) webinars and enrolled in dozens of free online courses. I wrote volumes of notes and learned so much. If I really felt I needed to have more information, I paid for the manuals or transcripts to keep for reference. Here are some of my favourites to date:


Chris Ward: Chris Beat Cancer

Chris’ many webinars and books include The Square One Program and its associated spin offs. Chris beat his own stage 3 colon cancer with surgery; he refused chemo and then he changed just about everything in his life to help himself heal. 18 years later he is still cancer free! Spoiler alert; Chris has a love affair with carrots. :)

Dr. Ralph Moss and The Moss Reports

Dr. Moss is a science writer at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre. He is the author of The Moss Reports, which is a compilation of his research on alternative cancer therapies, expert advice on the subject of cancer, opinions on conventional and complementary therapies, immunotherapy and more. I subscribe to his newsletter, The Moss Reports, and eagerly anticipate every time I get a ping in my email inbox with a new edition! He also hosts webinars and features guests who have expertise in treating cancer.

Ryan Sternagel: The Stern Method; The Anti Cancer Revolution

Ryan and his family joined to fight cancer when his young son, Ryder, was diagnosed with neuroblastoma. They combined modern and integrative treatments to bring Ryder back to a thriving state of health. I subscribe to The Stern Method newsletter. Ryan writes using a very familiar tone and always has something interesting and refreshing to say.


The Hidden Source Within: A Powerful Guide to Energy Medicine by Donna Eden

I watched a podcast with Donna espousing the transformation she experienced in her own life by investing in her own vital energy to heal herself. She calls her methodology Energy Medicine. I can say for sure that harnessing your own energy is a key component to achieving wellness.

Conquering Cancer Summit: Dr. Nathan Crane

This Summit aired in May 2021 and featured many many of my favourite integrative doctors and specialists in the field of cancer. Lots of leading edge info on all topics of healing, reminding me there is usually no ONE thing. Treating and beating cancer can be a smorgasbord of many lifestyle and medical interventions.

Gregg Braden; author and podcast leader

This man is fascinating! He is a five-time New York Times best selling author, scientist , international educator and is renowned as a pioneer in the exploration of human potential. He is the embodiment of wisdom, hope and inspiration. Many a day I ‘poured myself a cup of Gregg’s tonic’.


PubMed; A National Library of Medicine

I explore PubMed as a reliable and free resource for scholarly communications of biomedical and life sciences literature. It’s a good place to find out about peer-reviewed medical information. I used it to see what has been published on cancer, its prevention and cure. It’s easy to search and I guarantee that you will find more than what you were looking for.

Jeff Hays and Patrick Gentempo; The Answer to Cancer

Jeff and Patrick have teamed up to create and produce many cancer related documentaries. I have found them to be well researched and well presented. This particular docu-series reveals the breakthroughs regarding both conventional and alternative solutions to treating cancer.

Ty and Charlene Bollinger; The Truth about Cancer; A Global Quest

Ty and Charlene Bollinger are advocates for integrative approaches to healing and preventing cancer. They have produced many documentaries and interviewed hundreds of physicians and health care specialists around the world. I attended one of these impactful conferences in Los Angeles in 2019 (The Truth About Cancer Live). They have made it their life’s pursuit to source out specific healing remedies in countries and communities globally.

Additional Websites, Books and Podcasts

Deborah Dennison - Book signing, Canadian style

Book signing, Canadian style

  • Tripping Over the Truth: by Travis Christofferson, MS

    With an undergrad in molecular biology and a masters in material engineering and science, Travis writes a novel-style book in an effort to overturn one of medicine’s most entrenched paradigms in the treatment of cancer. I found it a fascinating chronology of chemotherapy and its development and the movement toward the metabolic theory of cancer.

  • Anti Cancer Living: by Lorenzo Cohen, PhD and Alison Jefferies, MEd

    A comprehensive look at how basic, sustainable lifestyle adjustments might push back the onset of cancer and reduce the risk of recurrence. It reinforces the way our choices have a direct, measurable impact on cancer and other chronic diseases. It illustrates how cancer rarely just happens to us, but rather develops within an environment that we help create. This book confirmed what many of my authors and resource people had been saying.

  • The Metabolic Approach to Cancer: by Nasha Winters, ND, FABNO, and Jess Higgins Kelley, MNT

    This book became my ‘bible’ and I consider it to be an absolute must read. It offers a comprehensive, nutrition-focused protocol to managing and preventing cancer. Analysis of The Ten Terrains was a terrific place to make a personal starting point and is a true eye opener. Please make this book a priority!

  • How to Starve Cancer; by Jane McLelland; Grad. Dep. Phys

    Jane’s unique approach to treating her own stage 4 cancer diagnosis included using her education and dogged attitude to develop new protocols to ‘starve’ cancer. She developed a route map she refers to as a Metro Map on which she outlines fuel pipelines that need to be blocked for every type of cancer. I found it a fascinating read and keep it close by as a reference.

  • The China Study; by T. Colin Campbell, PhD and his son, Thomas M. Campbell

    An historic read about how essential it is to change your lifestyle. A well documented study on the problems we face and the solutions we need by altering the way we eat and the science behind it all.

  • How Not to Die; by Michael Greger M.D, FACLM with Gene Stone

    Dr. Michael Greger does a deep dive into the 15 causes leading to chronic illness and premature death. In addition to showing us what to eat, he includes a checklist of the daily dozen foods and activities we should try to incorporate into our daily routines.


Dr. Andrew Huberman

Dr. Huberman, founder of Huberman Labs, is a neuroscientist at Stanford University. His incredible work on the effects of alcohol on all cancers, especially breast cancer, are “sobering”. Carve out some time to listen to his podcasts where he discusses science-based tools for everyday life including important health topics such as sleep, fitness, alcohol consumption and much more.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Dr. Fuhrman was one of the first alternative health doctors I found early in my diagnosis. He is an advocate of eating lots of raw and cooked vegetables daily. He calls his system “GBOMBS”, which stands for Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, Seeds (and nuts). He has written many books. Two of the most recent are; Eat to Live and Super Immunity.

Dr. Leigh Ann Connealy; founder of The Center for New Medicine

Another fabulous resource, due to her approach in treating “the whole person”. Instead of treating the symptoms, Dr. Connealy advocates to determine the root cause of cancer and restore total health. She utilizes a combination of Bio Energetic testing, RGCC (research genetic cancer centre) testing and comprehensive blood panels to create a personalized treatment plan for patients with cancer.

Dr. Thomas Lodi, Practitioner of Integrative Oncology

Dr. Thomas is known for dedicating his career and impressive medical credentials to researching more effective and less toxic therapies in treating disease, specifically caring for people with cancer. He combines the best alternative therapies with the best conventional ones. In my opinion, he is a must see online. He founded An Oasis of Healing, a holistic cancer treatment Center.

Heal Breast Cancer Naturally: 7 Essential Steps to Beating Cancer; Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, Bio-energy chiropractor

I’ve seen Dr. ‘V’, (as she likes to be called) interviewed many times. She shares her inspiring depiction of her personal journey with breast cancer which initially fascinated me. This, along with her 7 Essentials certainly were in alignment with all my reading. I have attended her workshop in person and she’s a wonderful speaker. Dare I say she’s Canadian? - Similarities between Breast Cancer and Mesothelioma

Scientists have noted substantial resemblances between breast cancer and mesothelioma. These similarities encompass diagnostic markers, symptoms, and therapeutic approaches that effectively impede the growth of tumors. Moreover, there is a possibility of a correlation between breast cancer and asbestos, an hazardous mineral known to be associated with mesothelioma. is an advocacy and support group dedicated to providing all the latest in cancer research, treatment, and aid. Its team has worked diligently with health professionals to compile fact-checked and physician approved information regarding this disease, how it affects the body and how it can be treated.

My son, combining our heritages!

Support for Cancer Patients: Non Profit Wellness Organizations

Canadian Cancer Society & American Cancer Society

These organizations are dedicated to supporting people with cancer as well as their families. Their websites provide a wealth of information on treatments, research and all things cancer related. Also, they are a handy resource if you are trying to ‘interpret’ medical language or a report from your doctor.

I’m pleased to say that there is a lot of support out there for breast cancer patients. I suggest you google what is conveniently located to you. In addition, many of the books I read have Facebook chat groups that are also helpful.

I attended Wellspring, an organization near my home that offers courses, classes and general cancer support. Thanks to philanthropic endeavours in so many communities, these fabulous organizations provide amazing information for overall healing and essential emotional support.

CBCN (Canadian Breast Cancer Network)

The Canadian Breast Cancer Network is a patient-directed national breast cancer health charity.

Some really cool sites developed by women for women include:

Brilliantly CO, is the company that has pioneered the warming bra insert. Perfect for women who have undergone reconstruction and those implants can be downright chilly on a cold day.

Paige More

Paige is an expert on mastectomies and she tells her story first hand. She is the co-founder of The Breasties, a non-profit organization for women affected by breast and gynaecological cancers. A very colourful, honest and informational site to visit.

Great Instagram Suggestions

Sarafina Nuance @Starstrickensf

It is her personal journey with BRCA2 gene mutation and how she handled it. Oh, and she happens to be an astrophysicist!

Brcachatter @BRCAchatter

Lots of photos of Christen’s journey and mastectomy. Fun, uplifting place to spend some time.

Jen Rozenbaum @jenrozenbaum

Such a fun instagram site. All about embracing a hard ass attitude and sharing her wisdoms.

Deborah Dennison - Find your power