My Story

As a stage 2B breast cancer survivor, I feel the need to share my story with the countless women and men who are given a similar diagnosis.

I’ll never forget sitting in my doctor’s office, waiting for the results of my left breast biopsy. The exact moment that my physician told me I had breast cancer, was the exact moment I felt the loss of control. It was an immediate shift of power from my body into the hands of the medical professionals.

No longer would things be on my terms; the agenda would now belong to this body of medics who certainly knew more than me. In fact, I felt they held my future and possibly my life in their hands. Oh how I hoped their hands were capable and up to the task of healing me.

Deborah Dennison Chemotherapy

Chemo lab wearing my blond wig comforted by the pink blanket made by my granddaughter Moya

My reason for writing this book is to help you take back your control, and more than anything to help the medical profession and your own body find your way to wellness. 

I want to share what I did to give myself the hope that was not easily forthcoming from the ‘system’. 

I took what I felt was a bold departure from the accepted medical practices!

I found integrative treatments to bolster my immune system. I examined my life and current state of health and explored reasons for being ‘blessed’ with this dreaded diagnosis. And I discovered a lot! I slowly realized the fairly healthy lifestyle I thought I was leading was not a friend to my well being. And I began to make many, many changes.

Am I saying you need to do the same? I’m simply sharing what I did that worked for me. 

I’m also suggesting you can create your own ‘standard of care’ and I am encouraging you to be in the driver's seat to heal your body. You need to be an active member on the team to heal yourself. 

Great cancer conference attended with my daughter Meghan

What does it take? Well, it depends on how off the path you are. (Apparently I had strayed into rough terrain.) For me, it took some dedication and diligence to find my way back. 

Join me on my journey from the discovery of the mass in my breast to the treatments incurred, the multiple surgeries and the lessons learned. My book outlines all the changes and treatments I embodied. 

I think this is a helpful guide for similar patients, caregivers and friends who are supporting someone who has been diagnosed. 

Today I am a hale and hearty breast cancer survivor! I am living and I am loving living!

My Atlanta family

Deborah Dennison - Denver Family

My Denver family